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Staff Spotlight: Meet Kristine Hilsdorf

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November 9, 2021

Kristine Hilsdorf is our Manager, Government Affairs & Workforce Development, and our latest staff spotlight!    

Kristine’s role is to work to improve workforce development and help the regional economy.

Learn a little bit more about Kristine in this brief Q&A. 

Q: What is your background in/what type of work were you in before the Partnership? 

A: Before joining the Partnership, I worked for two members of Congress for 6 years and worked 2 years as a Deputy Director for a non-profit in Washington, DC.  

Q: What do you like to do for fun? 

A: Hiking, riding bikes, kayaking… anything outside!  

Q: What is your favorite part about living in Buffalo? 

A: The people and being by family. I love how people can strike up a conversation with a stranger and how friendly people can be.  

Q: What are you doing differently post-pandemic that you didn’t do before? 

A: Prioritize regular exercise and overall wellbeing.  

Q: What do you like best about working from home? 

A: Daily pet therapy with my miniature dachshund, Gwennie. 

Q: Since you are no longer commuting to work, how do you fill your drive time? 

A: I use the morning time to create a daily to-do list to maximize my productivity for the day. I use the evening time to get a head start on making dinner. 

Connect with Kristine.

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