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BNP Career Pathways Build Momentum

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October 19, 2021

Attracting, retaining, and promoting the right employees continues to challenge employers in every sector of the Western New York economy. As we all navigate COVID-19-related changes to the workplace, new workforce development and advancement tools will be needed to move our region forward.

The Buffalo Niagara Partnership is currently advancing the Career Pathways Project as a component of Employ Buffalo Niagara, to help employers address hiring/retention pain points head-on, in a way that resonates with modern job seekers in today’s complicated market.

Through assistance from the Ralph C. Wilson, Jr. Foundation, Career Pathways develops a custom career progression, incorporating high-quality video production, for each participating company—making it easier to attract and retain talent, and to work with education or training providers to properly build a successful talent pipeline.

Job seekers can learn more about the job opportunity, including the specific amount of time and training needed to advance through the company and the salary increases that are possible through promotion. In addition, web-based videos will introduce current employees that have built a career at each company, giving a first-person account of obtainable goals and opportunities.

The BNP encourages our members to view the first group of Career Pathways and job descriptions featured on the Employ Buffalo Niagara website and included below.

Zehnder Rittling | Manufacturing Support
AAA | Roadside Assistance Technician
SoPark | Solder Machine Operator

Employers that are interested in learning more about this project are encouraged to visit the Career Pathways webpage and to contact Seth Piccirillo, Director of Economic Development, at

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