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4.28.2022 Advocacy Alert: NYS on Verge of Banning Natural Gas

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April 28, 2022

A state plan to ban natural gas and tax carbon is being finalized, and you do not have much time left to weigh in.  

Yesterday, the BNP voiced its concerns with the NYS Climate Action Council’s Draft Scoping Plan. The BNP offered testimony at the Council’s Buffalo public hearing and also hosted a press conference with industry and governmental leaders to highlight the problems with the Plan.  

Learn more about the hearing here, and watch the full press conference here. 

The BNP used these opportunities to highlight the economic consequences if this plan is adopted. The plan calls for a statewide carbon tax, which will significantly increase costs and make NY businesses less competitive. It also calls for a ban on natural gas and propane hookups and gas-fired appliances. Ultimately, the plan will make energy less affordable and reliable, and add significant demand to the energy grid without assurance that the necessary electricity can be provided.  

Once the Draft Scoping Plan is finalized, the state will begin implementing its provisions through regulation or statute.  

It is essential for New Yorkers to weigh in on this plan now, while you still have the opportunity. The Plan’s public comment period closes June 10. For more information on making your concerns known to the Council, click here. 

On Monday, May 9, the BNP is also hosting an Advocacy Day session to discuss energy and climate issues with Senate Minority Leader Rob Ortt. Register here today.

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