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2022 D&I Symposium: Meet Riqueza Feaster, Featured Speaker

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May 23, 2022

The BNP is pleased to welcome Riqueza (Rique) Feaster, SVP, D&I Executive, Global Employee Networks and Global D&I Awards & Recognition, Bank of America as a featured speaker at our 2022 D&I Symposium: DEI at Work.

We will be helping you get to know each presenter, panelist, and moderator in the weeks ahead, leading up to the 5th Annual D&I Symposium on June 16th – get your tickets here.

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2022 D&I Symposium Topic & Summary

Event Topic:  Maximizing your D&I Councils, Employee Networks and Affinity Groups

Presentation Highlights (what can the audience expect to learn or take away?): 

Employee Resource Groups and Diversity & Inclusion governance bodies are critical in advancing people, inclusion, and client & community strategies across large and small companies globally.  Leveraging these groups and leaders enhance inclusion with diverse programming and activities while also developing pipeline of talent and culture carriers.  This session will cover the value proposition and best practices for governance, succession, content and sustainability important groups in your organizations.

D&I Resources, Recommendations, & Inspiration

Book:  Caste (Isabel Wilkerson), Multipliers (Liz Wiseman), So You Want to Talk About Race (Ijeoma Oluo) but I read more children’s books these days like Fry Bread, I am Enough, Eyes the Kiss the Corners, Sulwe, Always Anjali, Who is? book series, etc.


Other Media (podcast, show, social, publication:  Harvard Business Review

Advice for someone starting, or continuing, on their D&I journey:

It’s a journey:  you’ll make mistakes, learn a lot and be humbled but will be better for it.  And, journeys are (and should be) fun!

2022 D&I Symposium Speaking Topic: Maximizing your D&I Councils, Employee Networks and Affinity Groups

Learn how to keep your D&I Councils, ERG’s, employee networks strong.  These resource groups are the key to building an environment where employees feel seen, heard and valued.  Presenter(s):

  • Riqueza Feaster, SVP Global Diversity and Inclusion Executive for Bank of America 
  • Calandra Jarrell and Doreen Viloria. of Bank of America

 Level: Intermediate to Advanced

Attend the 2022 D&I Symposium

Our 5th Annual Diversity & Inclusion Symposium will feature national experts on D&I sharing their knowledge on subjects such as building an inclusive culture, and the best practices, cultural assessments, and dimensions of diversity.

KEYNOTE: Melissa Donaldson, Chief Diversity Officer, Wintrust.

This event will feature workshops and break-out sessions with actionable next steps for attendees to take away.

Thursday, June 16, 2022
9.30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. EDT
Register to Attend Here

See Full Event Details & Agenda Here

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