BNP Advocacy Insider – May 2022
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May 5, 2022
State Considering Natural Gas Ban
The state’s draft climate plan would make many far-reaching changes to New York’s economy. Among them: a ban on natural gas, coupled with an electric building mandate that would send construction and manufacturing costs soaring.
The state’s Climate Action Council recently held a hearing on this issue, at which the BNP offered testimony. The BNP also held a press conference with industry and government leaders to raise awareness about the economic consequences of the plan. The conference is viewable here.
The Council is accepting public comments on the plan through June 10. To learn more and make your voice heard, click here.
Hochul Passes First Budget
One week after the deadline, Gov. Hochul signed her first state budget into law. The $220 billion spending plan made many important investments, but also missed several key alternatives. Read the BNP’s full analysis here.
Delgado Named Lt. Governor
After Lt. Gov. Brian Benjamin resigned in a corruption scandal, Gov. Kathy Hochul appointed U.S. Rep. Antonio Delgado to fill the position. Delgado has represented the Hudson Valley in Congress since 2019. Learn more about New York’s newest statewide official here.
BNP Brings Priorities to Albany
The BNP’s Grant Loomis met with Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins to discuss the BNP’s 2022 Advocacy Agenda. In particular, the BNP asked Stewart-Cousins to (1) support legislation to bridge the benefits cliff; (2) address the looming unemployment insurance rate hikes; (3) oppose the costly Extended Producer Responsibility Act; and (4) keep energy reliable and affordable. The BNP is proud of the strong relationship it has formed with legislative leaders.
Upstate United: Unemployment Insurance Increases Ahead
BNP partner organization Upstate United recently released a fact sheet detailing the state’s looming unemployment crisis. Despite calls from the BNP and other business organizations, the state failed to take action to prevent UI rate hikes. Learn more using UU’s fact sheet here.
To contact state leaders about this issue, click here.
Join the BNP for Advocacy Days
Be a part of the Buffalo Niagara Partnership’s advocacy day without leaving your desk. Join us for important conversations about issues central to Buffalo Niagara’s future economic competitiveness with WNY elected officials, key stakeholders, and BNP members.
On May 9, meet with Senate Minority Leader Rob Ortt to discuss maintaining affordability & reliability in climate action. On May 10, meet with Senate Transportation Committee Chairman Tim Kennedy to discuss how we can maximize the historic federal infrastructure investment. On May 12, meet Assemblymember Monica Wallace to discuss childcare and workforce development.
Use these links to register for our sessions on Energy Day, Transportation Day, and Workforce Day. [past events-registration is closed]
BNP Hosting Capital Conversation with Erie County DA
Criminal justice issues have dominated conversations in the state legislature, and loom large in this year’s election cycle. To help us understand the intersection of criminal justice and business, the BNP is hosting Erie County District Attorney John Flynn on Wednesday, May 25.
This event will be the BNP’s first in-person Capital Conversation post-pandemic. The event is free to members, and lunch will be served. Register here today. [past event registration is closed]
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